Thursday, November 21, 2013

Release of Draft Program EIR - Zero Waste LA (Commercial and Multifamily Franchise Hauling)

SAN ZeroWasteLA via 
3:14 PM (3 hours ago)
The City of Los Angeles is releasing a Notice of Completion (NOC) for the 
Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (Draft PEIR) on Commercial 
and Multifamily Franchise Hauling, also known as Zero Waste LA
The NOC is to inform the public that the Draft PEIR has been completed 
and is ready for public comment from November 21, 2013 
to January 10, 2014.
The City of Los Angeles will consider the adoption of an ordinance to 
establish and implement an exclusive waste franchise system on a citywide 
basis for collection and handling of Solid Resources (including solid waste, 
organic material and recyclables) from commercial and multifamily 
(commercial) establishments currently serviced by permitted private waste 
haulers within the City. Zero Waste LA would replace the City’s current open 
market waste collection and handling system for commercial establishments 
in the City.  
The City of Los Angeles collects, with its own publicly owned solid waste 
collection trucks, solid waste from single family homes and smaller multifamily 
complexes.  The City will continue to provide these services which are not 
part of the proposed project.
The NOC gives the details of public meetings, where the Draft PEIR is 
available, and where to submit written comments. It can be accessed in the 
"What's new..." section of Sanitation's website at

We look forward to your participation during this public review period, and 
hope you join us at one of the scheduled meetings. 
Solid Resources Citywide Recycling Division
Bureau of Sanitation
City of Los Angeles

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Public Relations:
Jorge Luis Rodríguez
Phone/fax: 323-662-3750  

Who’s really pulling the strings?
(Government? God? Girls?)  

Theatre Calendar Listing

WHO:   Solo Theater written and performed by Carmelo Alvarez. Directed by Jessica Johnson.  Produced by Emmanuel Deleage. Set design by Miguel Blake.

WHAT:   Stage of the Arts, Inc. presents
                Not My Show new play premiere.

WHERE:   In the Little Casa 0101, 2009 E. First Street, Los Angeles, CA. 90033

WHEN:   Performances will be presented on Friday November 15th and Sat. Nov. 16th, 8 PM
                Sunday, Nov. 17th, 5 PM.    2013

HOW:   Opening Night Benefit on Friday 15th for Politics of Youth Culture Film.
    For tickets, please call the Casa 0101 Theater Box Office at 323-263-7684, E-mail to, or buy online at .
Tickets are $15 per person for General Admission; $12 per person for Seniors and Students. $10 Boyle Heights Residents. Advance reservations are highly recommended. Theatre patrons can get a $2 discount by presenting their Metro pass at the Box Office when buying tickets. Metro stations are located on First Street in Boyle Heights at Soto Street, and at Boyle Street (Mariachi Plaza), within a short walking distance to the theatre.

...the amazing trip through time and music, from Union Station to the roots of Los Angeles hip-hop... to wake up one day in the middle of your own performance and discover that you may be in the wrong show. Even a messed-up misfit can make a difference.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Looking for a fright this Halloween?

Dear Green Friend,

Looking for a fright this Halloween? Coca-Cola and Pepsi have skeletons in their closet that should make anyone's hair stand on end. This secret is more grisly than ghouls or goblins. It's dark. It's dirty.

That's right -- I'm talking about tar sands.

Help expose this scary, climate-killing secret ingredient and demand these brands clean up their acts by posting a special Halloween message on their Facebook pages.

Here's all you need to do:
  1. Copy this message below:

    Don't be tricked by your treat! Pepsi uses tar sands -- one of the dirtiest sources of oil on the planet -- to fuel its delivery trucks! Learn more:
  2. Post it: Click here to visit Pepsi's Facebook page and post your comment
Here's a chilling fact: The soda industry has more than 100,000 gas-guzzling vehicles, and these companies use tar sands -- one of the dirtiest sources of oil on Earth -- to fuel them. Tar sands mining destroys pristine forests, pollutes water, and damages our climate. That's why many other companies have committed to get their fuel from tar sands-free refineries, whenever possible.

             Enjoy your Halloween weekend.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Green Day of the Death

The Beat of Life is an altar installation presented by Green Artists International at the new office of Senator Kevin de Leon at 1808 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park. This tradicional artwork is created by Kathleen Roman, honoring the memories of her father and brother: master drummer icon Henry Roman, and percussionist Kenny Roman.      
Life goes on like the drum beat of our hearts, and wen the sound of the drum stop, we still listen to it in the echos of our memories. No one is really gone as far as one memory prevails; and that is what Day of the Death is all about.
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Friday, October 25, 2013

 Esta semana se presenta de jueves a domingo en el REDCAT del centro de Los Angeles, la ambiciosa aventura musical multidisciplinaria de Este Mundo Clemente, un canto a la fragilidad del planeta en que vivimos. La crisis global del cambio climático sirve de marco al discurso en torno a la condescendencia del tiempo y el espacio que nos toca vivir.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Coming October 19-20 to the LA Mart. 1933 S. Broadway. 
Look for the Green Artists International booth # 429!
Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany attends the Los Angeles Green Festival. The Green Festivals are the largest sustainable events held all over the country. The Green Festivals stand for sustainable economy, ecological balance and social justice. It is a project of Green America and Global Exchange. While there were many diverse speakers, this highlights new, eco-friendly and sustainable products and ideas from companies and organizations like Label GMO's, Going Green Today, Green Menu, Konjacu, Love At First Sit, Metro World Inc., Repax, Revolve electronics, Simply Straws, Sungevity and Vevolution to help you live a greener lifestyle.
Visit and enter the code LAGREENFEST2013 to redeem a free weekend pass!

For more information:
"Zero Waste Recycle of Life"
Kathleen S.Roman
Luv ur urth

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bioplastic tableware art

This biodegradable tableware set by Qiyun Deng is designed to look like fruits and vegetables! When you're done, just toss 'em in the compost and the bioplastic PLA will begin to break down just like actual plants. See more on Colossal:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day Today ! Peace & Love !

Happy Earth Day Today ! Peace & Love !
"With a new social order there comes a time of freedom where we can move like the clouds, without limitations, without borders. We will travel like the birds, without the need for passports. We will travel like the rivers, all heading towards the same point..."
-K'iche' elder, don Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Maja & Green Artists International at the Echo Park Art Walk
presents ZERO WASTE ART SALE Saturday April 20, 12 to 6PM 2174 Echo Park Ave, LA 90026 outdoor at Donaldson Dash circle next to Maja Art Studio.
We spend time speaking about the Green Stage Alliance and our request for the next CD 13 Councilman to make sure that after May 2013 there will be a contractual obligation for vendors at Echo Park Lake to replace Styrofoam and petroleum base plastic by implementing use of biodegradable greenware and organic plastics.
Came to the most progresive retro art community of up-ground Los Angeles and share the echoes of magic everywhere. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

SB 450?

Green Greetings,

It is incredible to me that Alex Padilla SB450 as well as the strong opposition to his proposition are ignoring that for over a decade there are manufactures and small distributors in USA of alternative "organic plastic" bags. 
Plastic bags derivatives from petroleum should be banned BUT replaced not with mandatory paper bags BUT with biodegradable bags which have the same texture that the ones been debated. 
I wrote about this for Contacto News in 2007:

Jorge Luis Rodriguez

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

¿Voto Latino 2013?

 Por Jorge Luis Rodríguez

Ilustrando la política electoral de Los Angeles en el 2013, hablemos del voto étnico para dos candidatos: Eric Garcetti , y Sam Kbushyan, el primero deja vacía su silla de concejal por el Distrito 13, y el segundo pudiera sentarse en ella.
Ninguno de los dos son Hispanos, pero ambos aspiran a contar con el voto Hispano en las elecciones primarias del próximo 5 de marzo.
Las predicciones demográficas que nos ocupan desde el siglo pasado se hacen realidad con creces  ahora que el voto latino representa el 33 por ciento del padrón electoral angelino. Antonio Villaraigosa termina el período de su alcaldía y Eric Garcetti aspira a relevarlo.
El Distrito 13 incluye los vecindarios de Hollywood, Silver Lake, Atwater Village, Echo Park, Elysian Valley y Rampart Villaje.
La última gran carrera electoral por el Distrito 13 había sido entre dos candidatos en el 2001: Mike Woo, y Eric Garcetti. En el 2013 encontramos  un maratón sin precedentes, con doce candidatos.
Al poner sus cartas sobre la mesa de los arquetipos y las generalizaciones, se supone que los candidatos de raíz étnica latinoamericana tendrán el beneficio del llamado Voto Latino.
Activistas sociales y comentaristas políticos, sienten que es un asunto de orgullo y beneficio comunitario  que vayamos a las urnas en marzo, listos para elegir “a uno de nosotros” para las posiciones del gobierno local.
Así las cosas, entre comentaristas y sectores de opinión, algunos cuestionan el abolengo Latino de Eric Garcetti, de 42 años, por parecerles muy lejana la herencia de su bisabuela mexicana  Guadalupe Delgado. En el caso de Sam Kbushyan, de 33 años, sus raíces étnicas son armenias.
En el terreno cultural, anotemos que Eric habla y lee perfectamente el idioma español. Sam habla “español de la calle” que aprendió mientras crecía en Hollywood, entre los muchachos de su edad, con los que se confundía tanto que su padre siempre lo estaba regañando y repitiéndole que él no era latino, sino armenio.
Sam es director del Immigrant Charitable Foundation con oficinas en el Este de Hollywood y Glendale,  trabajando por igual con Latinos o Europeos.
Creo que mucha gente, pese a un siglo de celuloide cruzando la mente de medio mundo, todavía no acaba de aceptar qué es realmente Hollywood.
Para los que llevamos una vida en el Distrito 13 de Los Angeles, crecer en Hollywood significa viajar con un pasaporte singular hacia la universalidad.
Vivir y trabajar en Hollywood no es sólo  la maravillosa frivolidad de la industria del entretenimiento. Vivir Hollywood, es vivir expuesto al pluralismo y el cambio. Es aprender a respirar a todo pulmón urbano de esta Babel de concreto.
En el mestizaje más allá del idioma y del color de la piel. Más allá de la superficie de las ilusiones, allí donde se teje la verdadera madeja de los sueños.
Al pensar en el acto de gobernar  y en el gobierno de Los Angeles y  los suburbios de su capital de los sueños, Hollywood, no puedo dejar de aceptar la dimensión de aquel bisabuelo Garcetti , un inmigrante italiano que murió en la Revolución Mexicana.
Cuando pienso en el padre de Eric, antes de recordar al ex fiscal de distrito Gil Garcetti, recuerdo sus fotografías en blanco y negro retratando la magia del ritmo en las escuelas de baile cubano…
Cuando pienso en los armenios no tengo que irme a buscar los orígenes entre la diáspora del imperio otomano, me basta recorrer los últimos cincuenta años de las comunidades cubana y armenias, creciendo de una generación a otra entre Hollywood y Glendale.
Y me pregunto en este baile de las semejanzas, cuáles son los pasos más importantes, será qué tomamos casi el mismo café fuerte, negro como la tinta… ¿O que no hay nada como un buen tabaco después de cenar?.
Y a veces lo que nos une no son los votos étnicos, ni las palabras de ningún político, sino los pasteles de Portos.
Ahora mientras escribo, veo desde mi ventana el legendario letrero de Hollywood, y pienso que a veces, cuando como ciudadanos del Mundo se nos concede el precioso derecho a votar por nuestro destino, deberíamos aprender a crecer, cada día más.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

7 Green Party Tips for Super Bowl

Last year, more than 111 million people watched the New York Giants best the New England Patriots for a second time in Super Bowl XLVI (46). That also meant millions of Super Bowl parties around the world, and an increase in waste and recyclables generated.
“A Super Bowl party is a great opportunity to shape some green habits,” said Mark Stackle, Area Director of Public Sector Services for Waste Management of Southern California. “There can be a cost-savings to it, too.”
 As you and your friends and family prepare to judge this year’s crop of Super Bowl commercials and/or watch which Harbaugh team prevails, consider the following: Green Party Tips for Super Bowl