Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Resolution 3.10- Green Stage Resolution

Resolution 3.10 - Green Stage Resolution
This Resolution was Approved By the National Latino Congreso on Day 3, Saturday, September 8, 2006

Author: Mr. Jorge Luis Rodriguez
Organization: Stage of the Arts, Inc.
Phone: (323) 662-3750 Email Address:

We, the 2006 National Latino Congress, resolve to endorse the adoption of pilot food waste recycling programs and the use of biodegradable products at publicly staged events and businesses to reduce organic waste going to local landfills. We are changing from a culture of waste disposal into a culture of recycling discarded materials. We are in need of educational components for the adoption of alternative recycling programs.Whereas these biodegradable products and recycling of discarded material services provides an alternative disposal system instead of using an in-sink garbage disposal units, since there have been extensive clogging problems involving food waste in the overflow of public sewers.Whereas the adoption of food waste recycling programs combined with the use of biodegradable products aloud for organic waste-hauling to be mixed with green waste at a composting facility and the nutrient-rich finished product is used by farmers and gardeners to help grow bigger and better crops.Whereas the compost from organic waste can also be recycled by alternative resources technologies to develop sustainable design creating a new workforce for industries that provide for renewable bio-mass energy.
1. We resolve to give priority to government and general business contractual services replacing Styrofoam and petroleum base plastic by implementing use of biodegradable greenware.
2. We resolve to ask public elected officers and public service servants to develop financial incentive programs that will divert food waste, collected from our events, for composting.
3. Be it finally resolved that the 2006 National Latino Congress urges for leadership implementing use of biodegradable utensils made of corn, sugarcane pulp, potatoes and the like in conjunction to the adoption of food waste recycling programs to reduce discard materials going to local landfills.

Resolution 7.13 Zero Waste Resolution

This Resolution was Approved By the National Latino Congreso on Day 3, Sunday, October 7th, 2007
Author: Mr. Jorge Luis Rodriguez
Organization: Green Stage Alliance
Phone: 323.662.3750 Email Address:
WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) required that all California jurisdictions achieve a landfill diversion rate of 50% by the year 2000, and reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost all discarded materials to the maximum extent feasible before any landfilling or other destructive disposal method is used; andWHEREAS, in 2001 the California Integrated Waste Management Board set a goal of Zero Waste in its strategic plan for the state; and cities, councils, counties, and states worldwide have adopted a goal of achieving zero waste, including the counties of San Francisco, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo and Del Norte in California; the cities of Palo Alto and Berkeley in California, Seattle in Washington, Toronto in Canada, and Canberra in Australia; and the state of New South Wales in Australia; and 45% of New Zealand’s local government councils; andWHEREAS, strategies to reach zero waste can help to promote the over-arching goal of each generation leaving less and less of an ecological footprint on the earth thus allowing more and more of nature to restore; andWHEREAS, Zero Waste principles promote the highest and best use of materials to eliminate waste and pollution, emphasizing a closed-loop system of production and consumption, moving in logical increments toward the goal of zero waste through the core principles of:a) Improving 'downstream' reuse/recycling of end-of-life products and materials to ensure their highest and best use;b) Pursuing 'upstream' re-design strategies to reduce the volume and toxicity of discarded products and materials, and promote low-impact or reduced consumption lifestyles;c) Fostering and supporting use of discarded products and materials to stimulate and drive local economic and workforce development; andWHEREAS, in September 2006 the National Latino Congreso, passed the Green Stage Resolution (3.10) resolving to endorse the adoption of pilot food waste recycling programs and the use of biodegradable products at publicly staged events and businesses to reduce organic waste going to local landfills. We are changing from a culture of waste disposal into a culture of recycling discarded materials. We are in need of educational components for the adoption of alternative recycling programs, andWHEREAS, in alliance with the Sustainable Development Initiatives and Sustainable City goals, Latino leaders joined in June 2005 mayors of 50 of the world’s largest and most visionary cities original signers of the United Nations World Environment Day Urban Environmental Accords, pledging that our Cities would implement 21 action steps toward sustainable cities in the areas of energy, waste reduction, urban design, transportation, environmental health, and water including: Establish a policy to achieve zero waste; andWHEREAS, adopting a goal of zero waste disposal and pursuing Zero Waste principles is consistent with, and an explicit validation of our cities Sustainable Development Initiative and Sustainable City Goal; 1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the organizations represented by delegates of the 2007 National Latino Congreso hereby ask every Mayor and City Council to adopt a Zero Waste Goal by 2020 for each City of the United States of America and direct the Public Works Agency, in concert with the Mayor’s Office, to develop a Zero Waste Strategic Plan to achieve the City’s Zero Waste Goal; and 2. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that Public Works Agency, in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office, will convene a Zero Waste working group to develop a Zero Waste Strategic Plan that will provide guidance in the planning and decision-making process to achieve the City’s Zero Waste Goal; and 3. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the organizations represented by delegates of the 2007 National Latino Congreso will assume a leadership role, partnering with Arts and Humanities cultural advocates and other Zero Waste local, regional and international communities and sustainability advocates to actively pursue and advocate for strategies and incentives to advance Zero Waste principles for materials management, system re-design, highest and best use of discarded products and materials, and a closed-loop sustainable production and consumption society.

Los Angeles Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan - Home

Los Angeles Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan - Home